Lucile Bledsoe was born on September 11, 1921 in Duluth, Minnesota. She always had an interest in aviation, and pursed that dream later in life when she started flying in 1978. She soloed in Wray, Colorado and obtained her private license in October 1978, at 57 years of age. She became a Certified Flight and Instrument Instructor (CFII) and has checked out in a number of high-performance aircraft, which she uses in the operation of Bledsoe Enterprises, a family ranching business.
Lucile entered local air races and placed among the winners in the Mile High Air Derby during the years 1985 to 1992. She has been active with the Wray Chamber of Commerce Airport Commission, promoting improvements to the Wray Airport which have aided the local economy.
Having a great interest in helping young people to succeed, she has been involved with classes to introduce aviation to the youth of her community, and has taught at Northeastern Community College in Sterling and at local high schools.
Lucile has served with distinction as the Secretary of the Colorado Aeronautics Board. She has been honored by the Colorado 99s, and was awarded the Colorado Pilots Association ‘Blue Max’ award.